Cross-Over Students | Spalding University Catalog

Cross-Over Students

Students who enter Spalding University as traditional undergraduate students may not transfer into the FLEX except under extenuating circumstances and with the written permission of the Director of Academic Support. However, traditional students who are unable to schedule a class during the day may be permitted to take a FLEX format course with the approval of their academic advisor, their academic department chair, and the Director of Academic Support.

Students must demonstrate that they possess the ability to handle the advanced preparation and extensive independent study required by meeting the following eligibility criteria:

• Student must have earned a minimum of 24 Spalding academic credits
• Student must possess a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher

If the request is granted, cross-over students will be charged the higher tuition and fees associated with the traditional day program. If the cross-over is approved, the student will be granted permission to enroll in the class or be placed on the waitlist if there are no openings in the class. Students must register themselves for FLEX classes once permission to do so is granted; approval of a crossover does not mean that the student has been registered for the class. Students taking a FLEX class through the crossover process are subject to FLEX policies.

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