EDD-901: Leadership and Academic Writing and Research
Central to this course is acquiring skills as leadership competencies and learning current leadership styles and strategies. Through reading, discussion, and brief inventories, students will assess personal leadership characteristics and behaviors, which can lead them to grow as leaders. Students will evaluate and discuss leadership case studies that promote critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills. The course will help prepare students for Ed. D.: Leadership Program success through academic writing and presentation skills, by introducing scholarship as an approach to learning and as an academic product with practical applications. Students will be introduced to American Psychological Association (APA) style, a program requirement for written assignments. They will learn how to conduct database research; to critique empirical articles, books, and other pertinent material; and to construct an academic literature review.
Upon Completion of This Course, Students Will Be Able to:
• Assess and refresh personal leadership style as an ongoing practice.
• Embed new ways of teaching and learning within an organization.
• Develop strategies that mitigate and/or remove barriers to learning.
• Demonstrate critical thinking, reading, and creative problem-solving skills.
• Produce academic writing formatted in American Psychological Association (APA) style.
• Conduct database research.
• Conduct literature reviews.
• Understand elements of basic research.
• Distinguish scholarly from popular research in order to comprehend and critique empirical research.