Graduate Student Status
Spalding University admits graduate students as follows:
Regular students must be approved for admission by the Graduate Committee. They may be admitted unconditionally, unconditionally pending, or conditionally.
Unconditional Admission
Students are granted unconditional admission when all general and school requirements for admission have been met.
Unconditional Pending Admission
Unconditional pending admission may be granted to an applicant who has not completed all prerequisites for unconditional admission or for whom all official credentials have not been received. The precise courses and number of courses may be limited for unconditional pending students until all requirements for admission are fulfilled. Continuance in a graduate program is contingent upon the completion of the student's application within two terms.
Conditional Admission
At the discretion of the Graduate Committee, an applicant may be granted conditional admission, instead of unconditional pending admission. Conditional admission may be granted to an applicant who has not completed all prerequisites for unconditional admission or for whom not all credentials have been received. The precise courses and number of courses may be limited for conditional students until all requirements for unconditional admission are fulfilled. Continuance in a graduate program is contingent upon the applicant meeting the conditions of his/her acceptance within the completion of 12 credit hours.
Under extreme exceptional conditions, an applicant, who has previously attended a Spalding University graduate program and has been dismissed from the university and a specific academic program, may be considered for re-admittance and conditional admission to the University. The Graduate Committee will not consider any applicant's re-admission application (complete process, including fees) until after a minimum of one year following the original date of dismissal. Conditions of admission for the specific applicant, including the academic unit’s recommendation, will be set by the Graduate Committee.
All previous coursework in the selected program of study must be at the "B" level or above. In those cases where a course in the program of study is less than a "B-" prior to dismissal, the course(s) must be repeated and a grade of "B-" or higher earned, as a condition of admission.
All policies of current graduate programs of study and academic policies will apply.