Wound care in the treatment of upper Extremity Injuries | Spalding University Catalog

OT-965Z: Wound care in the treatment of upper Extremity Injuries

3 credit hours

This course is open to all health care professionals with approval of the ASOT Chair.

Practitioners encounter clean, infected, chronic and traumatic wounds in the course of caring for patients who are referred for rehabilitation in many settings. Wound care management crosses many practice areas, and wound care skills are required for many different healthcare practitioners, including physicians, physician assistants, nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and others. Practitioners often function as a team with more than one professional caring for a patient. Each professional group and each practice setting encounters patients with different types of wounds, which can range from clean post-surgical wounds closed with stitches or staples, diabetic or pressure ulcers, or ostomy management, to more traumatic wounds with broader or deeper tissue involvement such as burns, replantation and crush injuries with or without surgical soft tissue coverage procedures such as skin grafts or flaps. Services may be provided in outpatient clinics, hospitals of all types, long-term care facilities, burn units, or in the home.

The wound care certificate program is totally a web-based class. This class will focus on the basic science of wound care consisting of 10 modules with a test at the end of each module Plus a final exam. This is totally a self-paced course with upon completion a certificate in wound care management will be awarded. Course is designed to introduce all Allied health professionals This course is open to all allied health professionals to include Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy, Nursing and Athletic Trainers.