Appeal Policy
If a student claims that he or she is being wrongly charged for a class he or she never attended and/or properly dropped or withdrew from, the student can file an appeal by submitting a letter with supporting documentation to the registrar within six (6) months of the disputed class' start date. The registrar will review the registration forms, confer with the instructor of record, and submit the student's appeal letter, along with any additional information gathered from the instructor, to the Provost for a decision. After a period of six (6) months from the first day of the class, the student may appeal for a course drop; however, Spalding will not refund any tuition even in the event the appeal is granted.
If a student claims that he or she wrongly received an F grade for a class he or she never attended and/or properly dropped or withdrew from, the student may file an appeal by submitting a letter with supporting documentation to the registrar within six (6) months of the disputed class' start date. The registrar will review the registration forms, confer with the instructor of record, and submit the student's appeal letter, along with any additional information gathered from the instructor, to the Provost for a decision. After a period of six (6) months from the first day of the class, the student may appeal for a course drop; however, Spalding will not refund any tuition even in the event the appeal is granted.
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