Admission Status
Subject to all applicable university policies, a student who meets automatic admission criteria is unconditionally accepted to the University. The Undergraduate Admissions Committee will consider a student who does not meet one or more of the automatic admission criteria once the student submits a personal statement at the request of the Committee. The Committee can exercise any of the following admission options:
Unconditional Acceptance - Granted to a student whose application file is complete. A student can be admitted unconditionally pending submission of completed official documents.
Conditional Acceptance - Granted to a student who is asked to meet certain requirements during the first semester of attendance. Conditional status allows the Undergraduate Admission Committee to admit a student on a probationary status for up to one full term, by requiring Good Academic Standing at the end of the first semester of enrollment, to limit the number of credit hours in which a student enrolls and/or requiring students to take specific coursework.
Tabled Application - The Undergraduate Admissions Committee may table an application for admission in order to request additional documentation (such as a writing sample, letters of recommendation, or current transcripts) be provided.
Denial - The Undergraduate Admissions Committee can choose to deny an application for admission.
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