Appeal Policy | Spalding University Catalog

Appeal Policy

If a student claims that he or she is being wrongly charged for a class he or she never attended and/or properly dropped or withdrew from, the student can file an appeal by submitting the Appeal Form on the Student Portal within six (6) months of the disputed class' start date. After a period of six (6) months from the first day of the class, the student may appeal for a course drop; however, Spalding will not refund any tuition even in the event the appeal is granted.

If a student claims that he or she wrongly received an F grade for a class he or she never attended and/or properly dropped or withdrew from, the student may file an appeal by submitting the Appeal Form on the Student Portal within six (6) months of the disputed class' start date. The registrar will review the appeal, confer with the Dean or Chair of the class discipline, and submit the student's appeal, along with any additional information gathered from the instructor, to the Provost for a decision. After a period of six (6) months from the first day of the class, the student may appeal for a course drop; however, Spalding will not refund any tuition even in the event the appeal is granted.

In certain cases, the Compassion Action Team will recommend registration changes for a student, particularly with regard to drop and withdrawal from classes. This process is different from the university add/drop/withdrawal appeal in several ways:

  1. There is no appeal fee associated with a compassionate drop/withdrawal
  2. The compassionate drop/withdrawal process does not have to be initiated by the student
  3. Expedited review by the CAT
  4. Approval of drop/withdrawal is not necessarily contingent on student attendance in the class.

When a student is referred to the Compassion Action Team, the student’s financial aid and progress to degree will be evaluated against the drop or withdrawal action recommended. A student’s performance to date in a class may be taken into consideration (for example, an unanticipated illness after the withdrawal date that did not start before the withdrawal date would not be a reason for a back-wthdrawal).

If members of CAT agree that it is in the student’s best interest to process a compassionate add, drop or withdrawal, either from a class, the session, or the semester, a member of the CAT will notify the Registrar for immediate action. The Provost or designee will be informed of CAT recommendation and action, but this process will not require the approval of the Provost.
Examples of circumstances in which a compassionate drop/withdrawal is warranted:

  • Serious illness or injury of the student or close family member, with or without hospitalization
  • On-going illness that prevents a student from being able to complete a class which they have started
  • Death of a close family member/significant other

Students continue to have the ability to appeal for an add/drop/or withdrawal outside of the CAT process; the majority students wishing to back-add, back-drop, or back-withdraw will initiate the appeal process via the Student Portal.

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