Advanced Degree/Certification Programs
The College of Education provides a variety of programs leading to advanced degrees, certifications, and endorsements.
Admission to graduate advanced degree programs/advanced certification programs requires the following:
- At minimum, a 2.75 grade point average and a baccalaureate degree from a regionallly accredited school
- Application
- Interview with a faculty member
- Resume
- Written response to specified topics
- Recommendations
- Official transcripts from all colleges attended
- Authorization for criminal records check
- Copy of teaching certificate
Degree Requirements
For all advanced graduate degree programs, a minimum of 24 hours must be taken at Spalding University. Requirements vary for non-degree advanced programs.
Two grades of C, one grade of C in a course of six or more hours, or one grade of F, will result in automatic dismissal from the program and the University. A minimum grade point average of 3.0 in all courses, including electives, must be maintained. No grades under that of C will be accepted as transfer credit in any graduate program.
Completion of any advanced graduate degree program within a five-year period is required, including removal of all incomplete grades.
Continuous Assessment
Candidates in any advanced graduate degree program are assessed at various stages of their programs, including admission, continuation, program completion, and recommendation for certification/licensure.
Professional Dispositions and Behaviors Growth Process
The College of Education has defined the Educator as Leader as a professional who embodies six (6) specific Functional Dimensions which include: (1) Change Agent/Transformational Leader; (2) Knowledgeable Practitioner; (3) Persevering Advocate; (4) Continuous Assessor; (5) Technologically Astute Practitioner; and (6) Responsible Professional. Educator leaders are visionary, ethical, caring, reflective, creative, and knowing and demonstrate these professional dispositions when interacting with students, families, colleagues, and communities. As a part of continuous assessment, satisfactory demonstration of the professional dispositions referenced above must be demonstrated. The Professional Disposition and Behavior Growth Process allows for assessment, feedback and monitoring of growth needs on the part of College of Education initial certification and advanced program candidates. This process is independent of other legal or academic processes taking place at Spalding University.
Advanced Programs
Master of Arts in School Guidance Counseling
Master of Education: Teacher Leader
Certificate Program for Rank I Classification (Planned 6th Year Program)
Endorsement Programs
Instructional Leadership-School Principal: All Grades