ENG-514: Introductory Residency in Professional Writing
Students attend this course delivered during an intensive residency. Students must complete pre-assignments before attending residency, including submitting writing to be discussed during the residency Workshop and reading all assigned texts, including the material in the Workshop Booklet, the Residency Book in Common, texts assigned by the Faculty Workshop Leader. Students view films, when required. Workshop instruction and discussion focus on fundamentals of Professional Writing which may include consideration of audience, persuasive technique, grammar concerns for professional writers, and research methods. Students are expected to be open to the comments of faculty and students, to provide comments on the work of other students, and to participate in any other assignments presented by Workshop faculty. In addition to Workshop, the students attend required lectures, conferences, and readings and participate in cross-genre and interrelatedness-of-the-arts activities. Students also attend required orientation sessions and a session on critical writing. Students submit residency reports and a Workshop evaluation. At residency, the student and mentor usually create an Independent Study Plan for ENG615.