Military and Veteran Student Policies | Spalding University Catalog

Military and Veteran Student Policies

The following policies apply to all students admitted to Spalding University who are Active Duty in the U.S. uniformed military services, active members of the U.S. National Guard, active U.S. Reservists, veterans of the U.S. uniformed military services and also to the spouses and minor dependents of active military servicemembers admitted to Spalding University.

Military and Veteran Student Admissions Policy

Prospective students are directed to receive approval from the student's Education Services Officer (ESO), military counselor or Service prior to enrollment.

Military and Veteran Student Tuition Benefits

Spalding is a Yellow Ribbon Program institution, which allows qualified veterans to apply for additional tuition benefits beyond their GI Bill benefits: Please see Spalding University’s Military Tuition Assistance (TA) and TA Refund Policy and Veteran Student Tuition Policy.

Spalding University academic programs in which the coursework does not span the full semester (i.e., 6-week sessions) will be considered a non-traditional program by the VA when determining benefits, including stipends. 

Military Course Transfer Credit: Military training courses may be eligible for transfer elective credits. Please contact the Registrar’s Office at

Military and Veteran Student Support Services

Academic Advising

Undergraduate Students: Military and veteran students entering as undergraduates will be assigned to an academic advisor in the Academic Support Services office, who will work with the student to develop a timeline to graduation and a calendar plan of their courses.

Contact: Jane Mostue, Director of Academic Advising & Student Success
(502) 873-4163

Graduate Students: Military and veteran students entering a graduate program will be assigned to faculty advisor within their graduate program, who will work with the student to develop a timeline to graduation and a calendar plan of their courses
Contact: Jennifer Gohmann, Registrar

(502) 873-4416


Financial Aid Advising

For all Financial Aid advising and military tuition benefits, including the Yellow Ribbon Program for qualified veterans, contact the Financial Aid Office. The College Financing Plan, formerly known as Financial Aid Shopping Sheet, is administered through the Financial Aid Office.

Contact: Michelle Standridge, Director of Financial Aid Office
(502) 873-4333


Mental Health Counseling - Counseling and Psychological Services (CaPS)

For inquiries regarding available mental health services or to schedule an appointment, email or chat online at

Dr. Allison From-Tapp, Senior Director of Health and Wellness


Disability Services Counseling

Military students have access to disability counseling to assist with student success in the completion of their studies.

Contact: Dr. Katherine Walker Payne, Director, Center for Accessibility and Learning Equity
(502) 873-4192


Military and Veteran Student Organization

Student Veterans of America, Spalding University Chapter

Contact: Dr. Pattie Dillon, faculty advisor
(502) 873-4428


Military Student Academic Attendance Policy

Financial Aid

Students utilizing Title IV Federal Aid should contact Financial Aid to identify any effect short-term or long-term military leave may have upon their financial aid package.


For Individual Class Absences Due to Veteran Status, Including Medical Appointments

Individual class absences due to veteran status, including military service training and VA medical appointments, will be considered excused with supporting documentation provided by the student to the instructor in advance whenever possible.

Students veterans who are absent from class due to their veteran status, including medical appointments, may accrue absences up to 25% of the academic course term or 4 class meetings, whichever is fewest absences. Student veterans missing cumulatively less than 25% of the academic course term or 4 class meetings, whichever is fewest absences, will be allowed without penalty to make up the missed work or complete an equivalent assignment(s). The instructor has the option to waive the assignment.

If the cumulative number of absences exceeds 25% of the academic course term or 4 class meetings, whichever is fewest absences, the student and instructor must follow the guidelines of the For Deployment or Lengthy Military Service Obligations section below.


For Short-Term Military Service Obligations


A short-term absence by student military servicemembers or veterans for reasons of military service obligations, medical treatment or pregnancy is defined as missing cumulatively no more than 25% of an academic course term or 4 class meetings, whichever is fewer absences.

Course Completion

A student service member or veteran who meets the above definition will be granted an extension to complete their coursework without penalty.

 It is the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor, request an extension or distance learning opportunities to complete the coursework, and provide appropriate documentation of the specific military service obligation, such as military orders, medical treatment, or pregnancy. The specific date(s) of the obligation, treatment, or pregnancy must be included. It is the responsibility of the instructor to respond to the student’s request within 3-5 working days and confer with the student to set an appropriate, mutually agreed extension for coursework completion.

If the cumulative number of absences exceeds 25% of the academic course term or 4 class meetings, whichever is fewest absences, the student and instructor must follow the guidelines of the For Deployment or Lengthy Military Service Obligations section below.


For Deployment, Lengthy Military Service Obligations or Long-Duration Medical, including Pregnancy


A lengthy absence by active military service members and veterans for reasons of deployment, long-duration military service obligations, or long-duration medical, including pregnancy, is defined as cumulatively missing more than 25% of an academic course term or 4 class meetings, whichever is fewest absences.

Course Completion

If a student service member or veteran who meets the above definition requests to complete their classes, course instructors, supported by their chairs, directors and/or deans, must make reasonable efforts, including providing synchronous or asynchronous distance learning opportunities, to enable the student to complete the course at no additional cost to the student. If such efforts are unsuccessful or place an undue hardship on the instructor, program or university, the student will be advised to drop or withdraw from the course.

It is the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor, request to complete the coursework, and provide appropriate documentation, such as military orders or medical documents. The specific date(s) of the obligation or medical treatment/pregnancy must be included. It is the responsibility of the instructor to respond to the student’s request within 3-5 working days and confer with the student to set an appropriate, mutually agreed extension, and if necessary, distance learning opportunities for coursework completion.

Incomplete Course Grades

If a student needs to exceed the typical 90-day limit to finish an incomplete course, they must contact the Financial Aid and Registrar Offices and request an extension. Requests will be considered on an individual basis. Students should be aware that grades of “I” (Incomplete) automatically convert to an F after 90 days.

Course Drop or Withdrawal Policy

If a student military service member or veteran finds it necessary to drop or withdraw from classes when they are called for active military service or are under long-term medical treatment or pregnant, they should contact the Financial Aid Office and their advisor for advice prior to submitting a Drop Form or a Withdrawal Form online through the Self-Service portal. If additional assistance is needed, students should contact the Registrar’s Office at

Adjustment of Tuition, Fees and Financial Aid: Please follow this link to Spalding University’s Military Tuition Assistance (TA) and TA Refund Policy, and Veteran Student Tuition Policy.


Degree Program Readmission Policy for Military and Veteran Students

Federal regulations mandate prompt re-admission for servicemembers who seek readmission to a program that was interrupted due to a military service obligation.


Student active military and veteran servicemembers who were unable to accept their admission to the university, were unable to attend classes for more than 30 consecutive days, or were unable to attend classes for fewer than 30 days because they withdrew due to their military service obligations are eligible for prompt re-admission, provided the following criteria are met:

  • Prior to departure for military service obligation, the student must provide military orders as far in advance as possible; the student does not need to indicate a return timeline
  • The cumulative length of all absences for uniformed service (service time only) must not exceed 5 years. If more than 5 years have passed, the servicemember/veteran must reapply to the university.
  • The student must give oral or written notice of Intent to Return to the university Admissions Office within 3 years after the completion of the period of service or 2 years after recovery from a service-related injury or illness

Degree Program Re-Enrollment Policy

The student may re-enroll in the next classes scheduled in the same academic program (unless the student agrees otherwise). If the exact program no longer exists, the student must be admitted to the one most similar (unless the student agrees otherwise). If the university determines that the student is not prepared to re-enroll in the same academic program with same academic status or is unable to complete the program, the university must make reasonable efforts to enable the student to resume or complete the program at no additional cost to the student. If such efforts are unsuccessful or place an undue hardship on the university, the university is not required to readmit the student.

Please note: Student servicemembers with dishonorable or bad conduct discharges are not eligible for re-admission under this policy. In order to be re-admitted as students, they must re-apply to the university.

Program Integrity

All departments, employees, and agents of Spalding University must comply with this policy.

Spalding University strives to be an institution of high integrity and is committed to ensuring that recruitment and enrollment activities conducted at the University promote such an environment. The purpose of this policy is to ensure compliance with federal laws and regulation in order to prevent and eliminate fraudulent and aggressive recruitment of students (including but not limited to veterans and Military Service members) to the University.

Compliance with federal regulations (34 C.F.R. 668.71-668.75 and 668.14) and the Department of Defense (DoD) Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU):

Spalding University ensures compliance with Program Integrity Rules consistent with federal regulations (34 C.F.R. 668.71-668.75 and 668.14) and the Department of Defense (DoD) Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding restrictions on misrepresentation, recruitment, and payment of incentive compensation.

The University, its agents, including third party lead generators and marketing firms, will ban inducements, including any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, transportation, lodging, meals, or other item having a monetary value of more than a de minimis amount, to any individual or entity, or its agents including third party lead generators or marketing firms other than salaries paid to employees or fees paid to contractors in conformity with all applicable laws for the purpose of securing enrollments of Service members or obtaining access to tuition assistance funds. Educational institution sponsored scholarships or grants and tuition reductions available to military students are permissible.

The University, its agents, including third party lead generators and marketing firms will refrain from providing any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollments or federal financial aid (including tuition assistance funds) to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting, admission activities, or making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance. These restrictions do not apply to the recruitment of foreign students residing in foreign countries who are not eligible to receive Federal student assistance.

Tuition Sharing

 The U.S. Department of Education generally views the payment based on the amount of tuition generated as an indirect payment of compensation based on success in recruitment and therefore a prohibited basis upon which to measure the value of the services provided. This is true regardless of the manner in which the entity compensates its employees.

However, the Department does not consider payment based on the amount of tuition generated by an institution to violate the incentive compensation ban if that payment compensates an unaffiliated third party that provides a set of services that may include recruitment services. The independence of the third party (both as a corporate matter and as a decision maker) from the institution that provides the actual teaching and educational services is a significant safeguard against the abuses the Department has seen heretofore. When the institution determines the number of enrollments and hires an unaffiliated third party to provide bundled services that include recruitment, payment based on the amount of tuition generated does not incentivize the recruiting as it does when the recruiter is determining the enrollment numbers and there is essentially no limitation on enrollment.


Compliance with Title IV

As a Title IV institution, the University remains responsible for the actions of any entity that performs functions and tasks on its behalf. These responsibilities include ensuring that employees are not paid for services that would convert these payments into prohibited incentive compensation because of the activity the employees engage in.

The University, its agents, including third party lead generators and marketing firms will refrain from high pressure recruitment tactics such as making multiple unsolicited contacts (3 or more), including contacts by phone, email, or in-person, and engaging in same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing Service member enrollments in non-credit courses or programs.


The U.S. Department of Education (DOE) has issued guidance on the prohibition on incentive compensation that includes FAQs and examples, including examples of activities that are subject to the prohibition and those that are exempt, and the types of payments that are considered forms of incentive compensation and those that are not. This guidance is available on the DOE website at



34 C.F.R. 668.71-668.75 and 668.14; Department of Defense Memorandum of Understanding; Federal Student Aid Program Participation Agreement; NACAC's Code of Ethics and Professional Practices