Naslund-Mann Graduate School of Writing Grades | Spalding University Catalog

Naslund-Mann Graduate School of Writing Grades

Graduate students in the Naslund-Mann Graduate School of Writing receive the following grades at the end of each semester:

AWD indicates full credit is awarded and indicates the quality of work was judged to have met or exceeded minimum requirements.

NOC indicates Credit Not Awarded because of failure to master the minimum essentials of the course or withdrawal from the course without permission from their advisor. A course receiving an initial grade of NOC may be repeated in an attempt to earn the grade of AWD. Two course grades of NOC for the same or different courses are cause for automatic dismissal.

I indicates that the student's achievement in the course has been satisfactory but the work is incomplete due to a justifiable cause, in the judgment of the mentor and Chair or Associate Programs Director, and that permission has been given for the work to be completed after the end of the grading period. The date agreed upon for completion of the work should be as early as possible, but will not exceed 90 days (which should be used only in cases of unusual illness or circumstance). If the work is not completed by the date stipulated, a grade of NOC is recorded.

X indicates course work that is of excellent quality but is incomplete due to a justifiable cause, in the judgment of the mentor and Chair or Associate Programs Director, and that permission has been given for the work to be completed after the end of the grading period. If the work is not completed within 12 months of the initial assignment of the X grade, a grade of NOC is recorded. Any extension of the 12-month period for coursework completion requires the written approval of the Provost. This grade is only used in extraordinary circumstances where the work cannot be completed within 90 days.

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