Undergraduate Attendance Policy
A student is expected to attend all meetings of the class in which he or she is enrolled. To receive academic credit, a student must earn a passing grade that is determined by the combined results of class assessments, class assignments, and compliance with attendance requirements as specified in the class syllabus.
In addition to meeting the academic expectations of the class as outlined in the class syllabus, a student must attend a minimum of 75 percent of the scheduled class and laboratory/practicum (if applicable) meetings of a class to receive a passing grade. A student registered for a face-to-face undergraduate day class must attend a minimum of half the class meetings during the first week of class. Instructors of all undergraduate classes and must clearly define the policies and procedures for attendance and grading in the class syllabus and must include the minimum number of classes and hours required (no less than 75 percent) in order for a student to earn a passing grade. The student is responsible for knowing the attendance and grading policies for each class, as they may differ from instructor to instructor.
- Excused Absences
- With advance written notice provided to the instructor by the student, the University excuses absences from class for major religious holidays, University-sponsored activities or events, required court attendance as certified by the Clerk of Court, or military duties as certified by the student’s commanding officer.
- A major religious holiday is a day that is traditionally celebrated within one of the world’s major religions. Retreats, conventions, or other functions specific to a particular congregation or denomination are not considered major religious holidays.
- A University-sponsored activity or event (e.g., an athletic competition supervised by the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics), including post-season tournaments, must be endorsed by the advisor or supervisor of the organization sponsoring the activity and have a clear educational purpose in order to qualify under the University’s excused-absence policy. Practice sessions or other meetings of campus organizations that can be scheduled or rescheduled at the discretion of the organization without great inconvenience do not qualify as excused absences.
- The total number of absences, excused and unexcused combined, may not exceed 25 percent of the scheduled class meetings.
- In the undergraduate day program, instructors also may choose to create written policies allowing for excused absences involving family or personal emergencies and/or work-related emergencies.
- The student is responsible for contacting the instructor about making up and turning in work missed due to an excused absence. Unless an exception is made in writing by the Provost, all absences, excused and unexcused, will be used by the instructor to determine whether a student has met the class attendance requirement.
- With advance written notice provided to the instructor by the student, the University excuses absences from class for major religious holidays, University-sponsored activities or events, required court attendance as certified by the Clerk of Court, or military duties as certified by the student’s commanding officer.
- Attendance
Class participation is extremely important.
A student is expected to attend all meetings of the class in which they are enrolled. To receive academic credit, a student must earn a passing grade that is determined by the combined results of class assessments, class assignments, and compliance with attendance requirements as specified in the class syllabus.
Students in online classes are expected to follow the Online Class Policy.
A student who does not wish to remain in a class should follow the Add/Drop or Withdrawal Policy.
- Student Responsibilities
- Any student who must miss a class meeting is responsible for contacting their instructor to discuss missed material. The opportunity to make up missed work is at the discretion of the instructor.
- Prior to enrolling in classes, students in all University programs should anticipate the number of class meeting absences that may result from family obligations, work-related responsibilities, and University-sponsored activities, such as Division III athletic team events. Once a class has begun, a student who anticipates that they will not meet the attendance requirements to earn a passing grade should drop or withdraw from the class. A student who does not wish to remain in a class should follow the Add/Drop or Withdrawal Policy. Any student who stops attending a class without having officially withdrawn from that class will receive the grade of F and must assume any remaining financial obligations for the class.
- Appeal Process
- Questions regarding the enforcement of a class attendance and/or grading policy must first be discussed with the class instructor. Appeals to decisions shall be made in accordance with Section II. Academic Issues from Spalding Univesity's Procedures for Student Complaints and Grievances.
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