Project Hours | Spalding University Catalog

ENG-627: Project Hours

3-5 credit hours

Students who have successfully completed the ENG623, ENG625, or ENG43 independent study course may enroll in this ENG627, if needed, to continue working on their culminating projects. ENG627 must be taken before the student enrolls in the Capstone Residency course or Graduation Residency course. The mentor and student create a schedule for conferences at the beginning, midpoint, and end of course to discuss the progress of the portfolio. The student submits a mid-session and end-of-session report. Students who enroll in ENG627, receive the grade X for ENG623, ENG625, or ENG43 until the culminating project is approved; once approved the student receives full credit for ENG23, ENG625, or ENG643, as well as ENG627.

Prerequisites: ENG-623ENG-625, or ENG-642 and permission of the Chair or Associate Programs Director.