Graduate Grades | Spalding University Catalog

Graduate Grades

The interpretation of grades in graduate work is as follows. 

A (4 quality points) indicates work of excellent quality: a superior grasp of the content of the course, initiative in doing work beyond ordinary assignments, originality in problem-solving, and ability to relate the knowledge of the course to other knowledge.

B (3 quality points) indicates work of acceptable quality for the graduate level: a grasp of the essentials of the course, the satisfactory completion of the work assigned, and average ability to see relationships and to make applications.

C (2 quality points) indicates grasp of only the minimum essentials of the course: it is passing but indicates work below the level acceptable for a graduate student. Students who earn a grade of C may be dropped from their program.

F (0 quality points) indicates failure to master the minimum essentials of the course or unauthorized withdrawal from a course. One course grade of F in a graduate program is cause for automatic dismissal from the program and the University.

I indicates that the student's achievement in the course has been satisfactory but, for some good reason, the work is incomplete and permission has been given to complete the work within a given period (not to exceed three months). A contract between the student and the faculty member, stipulating the work to be completed and the date on which the work must be completed, must be filed with the registrar. If the work is not completed within the time stipulated, a grade of F is recorded. Students should note that the grade of I is given only in cases of emergency and not as a matter of convenience to the student. Any extension of the three-month period for course work completion requires the written approval of the Provost.

X indicates course work has not been completed because of the nature of the research or study involved. Only courses including internship, practicum, or dissertation as the primary course content are eligible for this category. If the work is not completed within 24 months of the initial assignment of the X grade, a grade of F is recorded. Any extension of the 24-month period for coursework completion requires the written approval of the Provost.

Please see Naslund-Mann Graduate School of Writing Grades for information on grading within that program.

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