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Spalding University Catalog 2024-2025
Spalding Past and Present
Accreditation and Memberships
Mission and Vision Statements
University Structure and Degree Programs
Undergraduate Program Policies
Undergraduate Admission Policies
Undergraduate Academic Policies
University Studies
Special Programs
Acadeum Consortium
Kentuckiana Metroversity
Undergraduate Honor Societies
Undergraduate Student Awards
Graduate Program Policies
Graduate Degree Programs
Graduate Application and Admission
Graduate Academic Policies
Graduate Student Honors and Awards
Academic Status and Appeals
Undergraduate Grades
Graduate Grades
Definition of and Guidelines for Credit Hour Policy and Spalding University
Graduate Academic Status
Professional Integrity
Professional and Academic Integrity Policies
Academic Integrity
Disagreement in Grade Assigned
Professional and Academic Decisions: Student Appeal Procedure
General Information
Access to Records
Military and Veteran Student Policies
Financial Aid
Financial Policies
Intercollegiate Athletics
Medical Leave of Absence
Non-Credit Courses
Procedures For Student Complaints and Grievances
The Center for Accessibility and Learning Equity
The Honor Code and Violations
Administration and Faculty
University Administrative Officers
Board of Trustees
Assistive and Adaptive Technology
School of Athletic Training
Graduate (MSAT)
School of Business
Business Administration
Double Major: Accounting and Business Administration
Double Major: Accounting and Business Administration: Financial Planning
Graduate (MBA)
Graduate (MSBC)
Graduate (MSM)
School of Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Graduate (MA-CMHC)
School of Criminal Justice Studies
Criminal Justice Studies
School of Education
Graduate (Initial Certification/MAT)
Graduate (Advanced Programs)
Graduate (Ed.D.)
School of Health Science
Health Science
Graduate (MSHS)
School of Liberal Arts
African American Studies
Creative Arts
Creative Writing
Interdisciplinary Studies
Studio Art
School of Natural Science
Natural Science
Certificate in Natural Science
School of Nursing
Graduate (MSN)
Graduate (DNP)
Occupational Therapy (MSOT)
Auerbach School of Occupational Therapy
Graduate (Entry-Level OTD)
Graduate (Post-Professional OTD)
Kosair for Kids School of Physical Therapy
Graduate (Entry-Level DPT)
Graduate (Post-Professional DPT)
School of Professional Psychology
Graduate (PSYD)
School of Social Work
Social Work
Graduate (MSW)
Graduate (DSW)
Sena Jeter Naslund-Karen Mann Graduate School of Writing
Graduate (MFAW)
Graduate (MAW)
Graduate Certificates in Writing
Course Index
Program Sheet Index
Course List | Spalding University Catalog
Course List
AAS-201 - Introduction to African American Studies
AAS-202 - The Evolution of Black Studies
AAS-205 - Black Legacy Series
AAS-281 - African American Women
AAS-300 - African Civilizations
AAS-301 - Policing the Black Experience
AAS-302 - Color Complex of Black Women
AAS-303 - School to Prison Pipeline
AAS-304 - The War on Drugs and School-to-Prison Pipeline
AAS-305 - Rites of Passage
AAS-306 - Modern Africa
AAS-307 - Community Leaders for Human Rights and Social Justice
AAS-332 - Sex, Sexuality, and Motherhood
AAS-345 - African American Education
AAS-346 - Black Student Experience
AAS-349 - Praxis in African American Studies
AAS-385 - Honors Seminar in African American Studies
AAS-400 - African American Studies Research Methods and Capstone
AAS-401 - Internship
ACC-261 - Principles of Accounting I
ACC-262 - Principles of Accounting II
ACC-301 - Intermediate Accounting I
ACC-302 - Intermediate Accounting II
ACC-303 - Intermediate Accounting III
ACC-313 - Not-For-Profit Accounting
ACC-314 - Managerial Cost Accounting
ACC-315 - Tax I: Individual Taxation
ACC-415 - Tax II: Corporate Tax
ACC-420 - Advanced Accounting Problems
ACC-466 - Case Studies in Accounting Theory
ACC-481 - Auditing and Systems
ACC-491 - Experiential Learning
ACC-601 - Auditing and Attestation; Business Environment and Concepts
ACC-602 - Financial Accounting and Reporting
ACC-603 - Regulation
ACC-615 - Tax I: Individual Taxation
AIL-200 - AI For Everyone
AIL-250 - AI for Decision-Making
AIL-320 - AI for Creativity and Design
AIL-350 - AI Ethics
ANTH-200 - Special Topics in Anthropology
ANTH-211 - Cultural Anthropology
ANTH-300 - Topics in Anthropology
ANTH-305 - The War on Drugs
ANTH-315 - Race & Racism in American Culture
ANTH-325 - Politics, Food, and Hunger
ANTH-490 - Independent Study
ART-105 - Design Thinking & Problem Solving: Innovative Thinking
ART-109 - Design I: Visual Communication
ART-112 - Visual Culture Investigations
ART-119 - Design II: Principles in Practice
ART-120 - Innovation lab: safety, tools & skill development
ART-122 - Innovation lab: exploration of material
ART-125 - Introduction to Printmaking
ART-128 - Introduction to Sculptural Processes I
ART-135 - Introduction to Drawing
ART-140 - Painting I
ART-145 - Digital Media & Art I
ART-155 - Introduction to Graphic Design
ART-162 - Illustration I
ART-165 - Typography I
ART-168 - Digital Photography I
ART-172 - Darkroom Photography I
ART-174 - Digital Video I
ART-203 - Ceramics I
ART-228 - Sculptural Processes II
ART-235 - Drawing
ART-245 - Digital Media & Art II
ART-250 - Community Art
ART-255 - Graphic Design
ART-262 - Illustration II
ART-265 - Typography II
ART-268 - Digital Photography II
ART-271 - Material and Process
ART-272 - Darkroom Photography II
ART-274 - Digital Video II
ART-275 - Painting II: Sensibility and Structure -- Building on the observational skills from Painting I
ART-278 - Landscape Painting
ART-280 - Figure Drawing
ART-282 - Microart: Intricate Pattern and Obsession
ART-283 - The Object, Mass Production and Multiples
ART-284 - Spatial Investigations in Drawing and Painting
ART-285 - Mindful Practice
ART-290 - Practicum in Art Gallery Management
ART-300 - Collaboration and Community
ART-303 - Ceramics II
ART-318 - Publishing for Artists
ART-320 - Collage & Assemblage
ART-322 - Digital Painting
ART-324 - The Expanded Picture Plane
ART-325 - Motion Graphics
ART-330 - The Body
ART-335 - Narrative Drawing including the Graphic Novel
ART-340 - Self-Publishing and Production
ART-342 - Web Design
ART-345 - Intro to Animation Techniques
ART-348 - Maps of Places, Information and the Mind
ART-350 - Community Art II
ART-355 - Documentary Photography
ART-358 - Drawing with Color
ART-360 - Professional Identity & Internship
ART-365 - Writing +
ART-371 - Forging Identity
ART-372 - The Figure
ART-373 - Pattern Making
ART-374 - Interactive Media
ART-375 - Junior Capstone
ART-380 - Sound Art
ART-382 - Figure Painting
ART-385 - Individual Series Development
ART-388 - Art, Ecology and Environment
ART-390 - Installation Art & Media
ART-395 - The Digital Image through the Analog Mechanical Process
ART-402 - Interdisciplinary Sculpture
ART-403 - Ceramics III
ART-415 - Senior Capstone
ART-420 - Innovation lab: Application
ART-450 - Community Art III
ART-490 - Independent Study
ART-495 - Special Topics: Studio Art
ARTH-225 - Introduction to World of Art from Prehistoric to Middle Ages
ARTH-230 - Human Innovation Across Time
ARTH-240 - Art from the Renaissance through Romanticism
ARTH-245 - Introduction to Western Art
ARTH-252 - Modern through Contemporary Art
ARTH-265 - Special Topics in Art History
ARTH-305 - Text and Image—From the Graphic Novel to Graphic Design
ARTH-306 - Theories of Art in Society
ARTH-340 - Global Currents in Contemporary Art
ARTH-355 - Alternative Perspectives in Art History: Special Topics
ARTH-420 - Feminism and Queer Theory in Visual Culture
ARTH-495 - Special Topics: Art History
BA-200 - Financial Success 101
BA-205 - People, Planet, and Profit
BA-220 - Computer Applications
BA-250 - Principles of Management
BA-310 - Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace
BA-320 - Computerized Data Analysis
BA-351 - Management of Human Resources
BA-352 - Organizational Behavior
BA-365 - Crowdfunding Fundamentals
BA-385 - Legal Environment of Business
BA-395 - Business Ethics
BA-461 - Global Dimensions of Business
BA-469 - Special Topics in Management
BA-470 - Entrepreneurial Strategies
BA-481 - Integrative Strategic Management
BA-490 - Independent Study
BA-491 - Experiential Learning
BA-551 - Management of Human Resources
BIO-104 - Human Biology
BIO-107 - Biology for the Informed Citizen
BIO-108 - Contemporary Health
BIO-121 - Introduction to Biology
BIO-122 - Organismal Biology
BIO-123 - Introduction to Biology Lab
BIO-124 - Organismal Biology Lab
BIO-150 - Problem Solving in Natural Science
BIO-251 - Anatomy & Physiology I
BIO-252 - Anatomy and Physiology II
BIO-253 - Anatomy & Physiology I Lab
BIO-254 - Anatomy & Physiology II Lab
BIO-256 - Introductory Microbiology
BIO-257 - Introductory Microbiology Lab
BIO-301 - Pathophysiology
BIO-305 - Plant Science
BIO-314 - Intermediary Metabolism
BIO-349 - Internship
BIO-359 - Environmental Science
BIO-369 - Genetics
BIO-375 - Clinical Anatomy and Physiology
BIO-376 - Clinical Anatomy and Physiology Lab
BIO-408 - Special Topics in Biology
BIO-420 - Evolution
BIO-426 - Ecology
BIO-447 - Biology Seminar I
BIO-448 - Biology Seminar II
BIO-453 - Virology
BIO-456 - Bacteriology
BIO-457 - Bacteriology Laboratory
BIO-465 - Cell Biology
BIO-490 - Independent Study
BIO-495 - Independent Research
CHEM-100 - Chemistry Around Us
CHEM-106 - Chemistry for the Allied Health Services
CHEM-211 - General Chemistry I
CHEM-212 - General Chemistry II
CHEM-221 - General Chemistry Lab I
CHEM-222 - General Chemistry Lab II
CHEM-295 - Introduction to Forensic Science
CHEM-301 - Organic Chemistry I
CHEM-302 - Organic Chemistry II
CHEM-306 - Introduction to Biochemistry
CHEM-311 - Organic Chemistry Lab I
CHEM-312 - Organic Chemistry Lab II
CHEM-314 - Intermediary Metabolism
CHEM-316 - Biochemistry Lab
CHEM-320 - Analytical Biochemistry
CHEM-454 - Research
CHEM-490 - Independent Study
CHEM-554 - Research
CHEM-590 - Independent Study
CJ-100 - Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJ-101 - Introduction to Restorative Justice
CJ-102 - Introduction to Criminal Justice Reform
CJ-103 - Theories of Criminology
CJ-204 - Introduction to Forensics
CJ-216 - Criminal Procedures
CJ-220 - Race, Crimes, and Restorative Justice
CJ-225 - Juvenile Justice and Restorative Justice
CJ-230 - Police Problems and Practices
CJ-235 - Punishment, Prisons, and Justice
CJ-290 - Special Topics in Criminal Justice Studies
CJ-302 - Community Building and Restorative Justice
CJ-303 - Restorative Mediation
CJ-304 - Restorative Justice Advanced Topics
CJ-305 - Introduction to Electronic Crimes
CJ-306 - Restorative Justice and School Settings
CJ-307 - Restorative Communication in Justice Settings
CJ-308 - Restorative Justice Internship
CJ-315 - Research Methods
CJ-316 - Introduction to Statistics
CJ-320 - Crime Prevention through Environmental Design
CJ-321 - Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice
CJ-330 - Rehabilitation of the Offender
CJ-340 - Victimology and Restorative Justice
CJ-410 - Socioeconomic Problems, Crime and Solutions
CJ-440 - Criminal Justice Internship
CJ-480 - Criminal Justice Capstone
CJ-490 - Special Topics in Criminal Justice Studies
CJR-310 - Police Reform
CJR-315 - Criminal Court Reform
CJR-320 - Prison Reform
CJR-325 - Juvenile Justice Reform
CJR-330 - Drug Reform
CJR-335 - Re-entry Reform
CJR-340 - Black Males in the Criminal Justice System
CJR-345 - Mental Health and Reform
CJR-350 - White Collar Crime and Public Corruption
CJR-355 - Critical Issues in Criminal Justice Reform
CJR-360 - Bail Reform
CJR-425 - Criminal Justice Policy Writing Workshop
COM-110 - Communication Laboratory: Exploring Communication
COM-200 - Communication Theory
COM-201 - Effective Speaking
COM-202 - Effective Listening
COM-203 - Group Communication
COM-204 - Interpersonal Communication
COM-205 - Discussion and Debate
COM-213 - Media Literacy
COM-214 - Digital Media
COM-233 - Business and Professional Communication
COM-240 - Special Topics in Communication
COM-245 - Communication and Culture
COM-250 - Ethics and Strategic Communication
COM-255 - Critical Media Studies
COM-300 - Applied Communication Research
COM-302 - Health Communication
COM-303 - Sports Media Communication
COM-305 - Graphic Design Communication
COM-308 - Media Theory
COM-315 - Argumentation
COM-322 - Intercultural Communication
COM-323 - Gender and Communication
COM-328 - Public Relations
COM-329 - PR Strategy and Planning
COM-330 - Intro to Documentary
COM-331 - Film and Social Change
COM-350 - Media Production Workshop
COM-376 - Organizational Communication
COM-381 - Persuasion
COM-383 - Political Communication
COM-404 - Crisis Communication
COM-425 - Conflict and Mediation Communication
COM-443 - The Professional Internship
COM-449 - Advertising and Promotional Strategies
COM-470 - Training and Development
COM-472 - Leadership and Communication
COM-475 - PR Writing and Production
COM-481 - Communication Senior Capstone Experience
COM-490 - Independent Research in Communication
COU-501 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling
COU-510 - Counseling Skills and Techniques
COU-520 - Counseling Theories
COU-530 - Human Growth and Development
COU-540 - Group Theory and Process
COU-550 - Mental Health Assessments and Evaluation in Counseling
COU-560 - Professional Orientation and Ethics
COU-570 - Career and Lifestyle Development
COU-580 - Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment
COU-601 - Practicum
COU-602 - Internship I
COU-603 - Internship II
COU-604 - Self-Directed Internship
COU-610 - Multicultural Counseling
COU-620 - Counseling Children and Adolescents
COU-630 - Addictions Counseling
COU-640 - Family Therapy
COU-650 - Fundamentals of Research
COU-660 - Crisis Counseling
COU-670 - Advocacy
COU-685 - Advanced Counseling Skills and Techniques
COU-690 - Seminar in Professional Counseling
CS-101 - Introduction to Computer Literacy
CS-110 - Internet History, Security & Technology
CS-210 - Programming for Everyone I
CS-300 - Application Development I - Exploring Web Applications
CS-310 - Programming for Everyone II
CS-320 - Web Development
CS-350 - Application Development II - Building Web Applications
CW-221 - Introduction to Creative Writing
CW-322 - Poetry Workshop
CW-323 - Creative Nonfiction Workshop
CW-324 - Fiction Workshop
CW-325 - Dramatic Writing Workshop
CW-326 - Online + Print Publication Publishing Course
CW-328 - Genre Workshop
CW-349 - Internship
CW-385 - Special Topics in Creative Writing
CW-399 - Creative Writing: MFA Residency
CW-400 - Leadership in the Arts
CW-450 - Senior Seminar
CYBR-101 - Introduction to Cybersecurity
CYBR-201 - Cybercrime and Governance
CYBR-250 - Modern Cybersecurity
CYBR-301 - Network and System Security
CYBR-350 - Cyber Forensics
CYBR-481 - Capstone - Ethical Hacking
DPT-701 - Human Gross Anatomy
DPT-702 - Applied Physiology
DPT-703 - Foundations of Neuroscience for Physical Therapy Practice
DPT-711 - Patient Care Skills I
DPT-712 - Patient Care Skills II
DPT-721 - Cells, Systems and Disease I
DPT-722 - Cells, Systems and Disease II
DPT-731 - Diagnostics and Pharmacology I
DPT-741 - Professional Engagement I
DPT-761 - Foundations of Movement Science
DPT-832 - Diagnostics and Pharmacology II
DPT-833 - Diagnostics and Pharmacology III
DPT-834 - Diagnostics and Pharmacology IV
DPT-842 - Professional Engagement II
DPT-843 - Professional Engagement III
DPT-851 - Critical Inquiry I
DPT-852 - Critical Inquiry II
DPT-862 - Fundamentals of Patient Management in Physical Therapy Practice
DPT-863 - Physical Therapy in Geriatrics
DPT-864 - Physical Therapy in Pediatrics
DPT-871 - Integumentary Physical Therapy
DPT-872 - Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy I
DPT-873 - Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy II
DPT-874 - Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy
DPT-875 - Neuromuscular Physical Therapy I
DPT-876 - Neuromuscular Physical Therapy II
DPT-877 - Orthotics and Prosthetics
DPT-878 - Physical Therapy for Special Populations
DPT-881 - Professional Practice I
DPT-882 - Professional Practice II
DPT-944 - Professional Engagement IV
DPT-945 - Professional Engagement V
DPT-953 - Critical Inquiry III
DPT-979 - Health Promotion and Wellness
DPT-983 - Professional Practice III
DPT-984 - Professional Practice IV
DPT-991 - Clinical Decision Making in Physical Therapy Practice
DPT-992 - Teaching and Learning in Physical Therapy
DPT-993 - Special Topics in Physical Therapy
DPT-994 - Capstone in Physical Therapy Practice
DSCI-320 - Foundations of Data Analytics I
DSCI-370 - Foundations of Data Analytics II
ECON-280 - Behavioral Economics & Finance
ECON-281 - Microeconomics
ECON-282 - Macroeconomics
ECON-580 - Behavioral Economics & Finance
ECS-350 - Introduction to Special Education
ECS-380 - Instruction & Assessment Methods
ECS-385 - Assistive/Adaptive Technology
ECS-395 - Prescriptive Teaching
ECS-442 - Teaching Math to Children with LBD
ECS-475 - Methods & Strategies for Teaching an Academic Curriculum
ECS-542 - Teaching Math to Children with LBD
ECS-550 - Introduction to Special Education
ECS-575 - Methods & Strategies for Teaching an Academic Curriculum
ECS-670 - Issues in Special Education
ECS-680 - Instruction & Assessment Methods
ECS-685 - Assistive/Adaptive Technology
ECS-695 - Prescriptive Teaching
ECS-696 - Research in LBD
ECS-698 - Teaching Practicum
EDD-893 - Doctoral Direction
EDD-901 - Leadership Theories and Academic Writing and Research
EDD-902 - Systems Theory and Leadership
EDD-903 - Global Leadership in Local and Transnational Contexts
EDD-904 - Leading Innovative and Creative Change Across the Organization and Within the Community
EDD-905 - Ethical Leadership
EDD-906 - Creating Cultural Awareness and Appreciating Cultural Differences in Diverse, Global Organizations and in Intercultural Communication
EDD-907 - Identifying and Analyzing Organizational Issues
EDD-908 - Research Methodology and Problem Solving
EDD-920 - Leadership Capstone I
EDD-921 - Leadership Capstone II
EDD-922 - Dissertation Seminar 3: Dissertation Final Edit and Defense Executive Summary Preparation and Presentation
EDR-311 - Language Arts Theories and Practices
EDR-315 - Reading Theories and Practices
EDR-430 - Literature for Children
EDR-431 - Literature for Young Adults
EDR-456 - Developmental Reading in the Middle and High School
EDR-510 - Reading Theories and Practices in P-12
EDR-511 - Language Arts Theories and Practices
EDR-515 - Reading Theories and Practices
EDR-529 - Oral and Written Language Development
EDR-556 - Developmental Reading in the Middle and High School
EDR-615 - Literacy Assessment and Intervention
EDR-682 - Whole Language Literature (Pathways to Literacy)
EDT-646 - Directed Study in Education Technology
EDT-665 - Technology Planning for the Whole School Environment
EDU-201 - Seminar for Successful Initial Teacher Certification
EDU-213 - Foundations of Education
EDU-314 - Classroom Management
EDU-320 - Assessment for Teaching and Learning
EDU-332 - Mathematics Methods in the Elementary School
EDU-377 - Learning & Development Through the Lifespan
EDU-379 - Multimedia Applications for Teaching and Learning
EDU-385 - Inclusive Classroom
EDU-401 - Seminar for Professional Growth and Development
EDU-410 - Integrated Arts and Creative Movement
EDU-441 - Supervised Student Teaching
EDU-447 - Education Capstone Seminar
EDU-460 - Curriculum and Methods in the Middle and High School
EDU-490 - Curriculum Development K-12
EDU-510 - Integrated Arts and Creative Movement
EDU-513 - Foundations of Education
EDU-514 - Classroom Management
EDU-520 - Assessment for Teaching and Learning
EDU-530 - Literature for Children
EDU-531 - Literature for Young Adults
EDU-532 - Mathematics Methods in the Elementary School
EDU-547 - Education Capstone Seminar
EDU-555 - Introduction to Linguistics
EDU-560 - Curriculum and Methods in the Middle and High School
EDU-577 - Learning & Development Through the Lifespan
EDU-579 - Multimedia Applications for Teaching and Learning
EDU-583 - Structure of American English
EDU-585 - Inclusive Classroom
EDU-586 - Teaching English as a Second Language
EDU-587 - Practicum in TESL
EDU-609 - Research Procedures I
EDU-610 - Research Procedures II
EDU-612 - Achievement Through a Cultural Lens
EDU-616 - Assessment as an Equity Strategy
EDU-623 - Critical Conversations in School Culture
EDU-625 - Teaching Seminar
EDU-626 - Theories of Equity in Leadership Practice
EDU-630 - Teaching Seminar
EDU-632 - Cultural Competence in the School Community
EDU-634 - School Leadership and Community Engagement
EDU-635 - Visionary School Leadership
EDU-636 - Blended Learning
EDU-640 - Conflict Resolution and Negotiation
EDU-645 - Learner-Centered Approaches to Growth and Outcomes
EDU-646 - Promoting School Belonging
EDU-648 - Group Dynamics
EDU-652 - Building Student Agency Through Assessment
EDU-653 - Student/Staff Identity and Equitable Leadership
EDU-660 - Understanding and Teaching Number/Computation in Elementary
EDU-662 - Understanding and Teaching Geometry/ Measurement in Elementary
EDU-665 - Understanding and Teaching Probability/Statistics in Geometry
EDU-670 - Algebraic Thinking and Application in Elementary
EDU-672 - Student Teaching
EDU-673 - Instructional Design
EDU-677 - Learning & Development through the Lifespan
EDU-680 - Advanced Technology for Teaching and Learning
EDU-685 - Professional Development Seminar
EDU-687 - Curriculum of the Schools
EDU-690 - Independent Study
EDU-700 - Leadership Issues in Global Transformations
ENG-109 - College Writing Workshop I
ENG-110 - College Writing Workshop II
ENG-201 - Survey of English Literature I
ENG-202 - Survey of English Literature II
ENG-205 - Introduction to Poetry
ENG-206 - Introduction to Fiction
ENG-207 - Introduction to Drama
ENG-208 - Introduction to Film
ENG-209 - Introduction to Textuality
ENG-210 - Language, Culture, and Society
ENG-211 - Survey of American Literature I
ENG-212 - Survey of American Literature II
ENG-220 - Special Topics in Linguistics
ENG-225 - Emerging Genres
ENG-250 - Practicum for Writing Consultants
ENG-260 - Practicum Literary Mag Operation
ENG-310 - Topics in Sociocultural Linguistics
ENG-340 - The Teaching of Writing
ENG-355 - Introduction to Linguistics
ENG-364 - African American Literature
ENG-365 - Modern World Literature in English
ENG-383 - Themes in Literature
ENG-388 - Romanticism
ENG-475 - Special Topics in Writing
ENG-490 - Independent Study
ENG-505 - Advanced Creative Writing
ENG-510 - Topics in Socio-Cultural Linguistics
ENG-512 - Introductory Residency in Creative Writing
ENG-514 - Introductory Residency in Professional Writing
ENG-540 - The Teaching of Writing
ENG-555 - Introduction to Linguistics
ENG-575 - Special Topics in Writing
ENG-599 - Creative Writing: MFA Residency
ENG-605 - Advanced Creative Writing
ENG-608 - Creative Writing Cognate Area-MFA Residency and Semester
ENG-612 - Introductory Residency in Creative Writing
ENG-613 - Introductory Independent Writing and Reading in Creative Writing
ENG-614 - Extended Introductory Independent Writing and Reading in Creative Writing—I
ENG-615 - Extended Introductory Independent Writing and Reading in Creative Writing—II
ENG-622 - Intermediate Residency in Creative Writing
ENG-623 - Intermediate Independent Writing and Reading in Creative Writing
ENG-624 - Extended Intermediate Independent Writing and Reading in Creative Writing—I
ENG-625 - Extended Intermediate Independent Writing and Reading in Creative Writing—II
ENG-626 - Editing and Publishing Workshop with Residency
ENG-627 - Project Hours
ENG-629 - Service Learning through Writing
ENG-632 - Advanced Residency I in Creative Writing
ENG-633 - Advanced Independent Writing and Reading: Emphasizing the Research Project
ENG-634 - Extended Advanced Independent Writing and Reading: Emphasizing the Research Project—I
ENG-635 - Extended Advanced Independent Writing and Reading: Emphasizing the Research Project—II
ENG-636 - Special Topics in Professional Writing Workshop with Residency
ENG-637 - Special Topics in Writing Workshop with Residency
ENG-642 - Advanced Residency II in Creative Writing
ENG-643 - Advanced Independent Writing and Reading: Emphasizing the Creative Thesis Collection
ENG-644 - Extended Advanced Independent Writing and Reading: Emphasizing the Creative Thesis Collection—I
ENG-645 - Extended Advanced Independent Writing and Reading: Emphasizing the Creative Thesis Collection—II
ENG-646 - MFA Graduation Residency
ENG-652 - Enrichment Residency
ENG-653 - Writing Enrichment
ENG-654 - Extended Writing Enrichment—I
ENG-655 - Extended Writing Enrichment—II
ENG-662 - Teaching Seminar in Creative Writing with Residency
ENG-672 - Full-length Manuscript Workshop with Residency
ENG-673 - Accelerated Advanced Independent Writing and Reading: Emphasizing the Research Project and Graduation Lecture
ENG-674 - Extended Accelerated Advanced Independent Writing and Reading: Emphasizing the Research Project and Graduation Lecture-1
ENG-675 - Extended Accelerated Advanced Independent Writing and Reading: Emphasizing the Research Project and Graduation Lecture—II
ENVS-101 - Living Green
EPP-610 - Leading Teaching and Learning
EPP-611 - Leading Teaching and Learning Lab
EPP-620 - Assessing the Instructional Program and Monitoring Student Performance
EPP-621 - Assessing the Instructional Program and Monitoring Student Performance Lab
EPP-630 - Securing and Developing Staff
EPP-631 - Securing and Developing Staff Lab
EPP-640 - Building Culture and Promoting Equity
EPP-641 - Building Culture and Community Lab
EPP-650 - Organizational Structures and Operations
EPP-651 - Organizational Structure Lab
EPP-660 - Community, Systems, Resources, and Policy
EPP-661 - Community Systems, Resources and Policy Lab
EPP-665 - Capstone Seminar
EPP-670 - Advanced Instructional Leadership
EPP-680 - Advanced Culture and Climate
EPP-690 - Advanced Allocation and Resources
ESC-325 - Science in the Elementary School
ESS-334 - Social Science in the Elementary School
ETL-610 - Philosophy, Interpretation, and Application of Research
ETL-615 - Leadership Behavior and Promoting Change
ETL-620 - Professional Learning for School Transformation
ETL-625 - Learner-Centered Design and Evaluation
ETL-630 - Leadership for Instructional Improvement/Deeper Learning
ETL-650 - Assessing Learning for Student Achievement
ETL-660 - Capstone Project - Thesis
FIN-210 - Foundations of Personal Finance
FIN-366 - Financial Management
FIN-410 - Risk Management & Estate Planning
FIN-466 - Investments & Retirement Planning
FIN-481 - Financial Plan Development
FIN-491 - Experiential Learning
FIN-610 - Risk Management & Estate Planning
FIN-675 - Investments & Retirement Planning
FIN-681 - Financial Plan Development
GEOG-221 - Intro to Physical & Cultural Geography
HIST-103 - The World to 1750
HIST-104 - The World Since 1750
HIST-200 - Special Topics
HIST-205 - Black Legacy Series
HIST-221 - United States through the Civil War
HIST-222 - United States Since Civil War
HIST-275 - Religion in America
HIST-282 - The American Presidency
HIST-283 - History of Women and Gender in the United States to 1865
HIST-284 - History of Women and Gender in the United States Since 1865
HIST-285 - History of Health and Medicine Through the Lens of Race and Gender
HIST-325 - 1960s America
HIST-330 - Jim Crow America
HIST-377 - The United States Civil War and Reconstruction
HIST-378 - The United States in the Twentieth Century
HIST-383 - African American History I
HIST-384 - African American History II
HIST-385 - Special Topics
HIST-490 - Independent Study
HL-623 - Organizational Leadership
HL-628 - Ethical and Business Decision Making
HL-663 - Financial Communication in the Private, Public and Nonprofit Sectors
HL-673 - Healthcare Policy and Regulation
HL-674 - Healthcare and Human Resource Management
HL-700 - Healthcare Leadership Capstone
HRM-410 - Compensation and Benefits
HRM-420 - Staffing Organizations
HRM-430 - Employment Law
HRM-470 - Training and Development
HS-300 - Survey of Health Professions
HS-301 - Medical Terminology
HS-302 - Technology & Health
HS-320 - Personal Health and Wellness
HS-321 - Cultivating Humility in Health
HS-321 - Cultivating Humility in Health
HS-325 - Psychosocial Health and Wellness
HS-330 - Social Determinants of Health
HS-350 - Becoming a Consumer of Evidence-Informed Research
HS-370 - Introduction to Exercise Science and Health
HS-371 - Exercise Physiology
HS-372 - Basic Injury Prevention and Care
HS-401 - Kinesiology
HS-405 - Integrative Health- An Introduction
HS-410 - Personal Leadership Development
HS-420 - Interprofessional Collaboration
HS-435 - Telehealth in the Health Professions
HS-440 - Health Promotion & Human Behavior
HS-445 - US Health Care System
HS-450 - Health Coaching
HS-455 - Health Innovation- An Introduction
HS-470 - Motor Development
HS-471 - Exercise Testing and Prescription
HS-490 - Health Science Capstone
HS-515 - Human Anatomy Correlates for Occupational Therapy Practice
HS-518 - Neuroscience for the Health Sciences
HS-519 - Neuroscience for the Health Sciences
HS-520 - Physical Health and Wellness
HS-525 - Psychosocial Health and Wellness
HS-550 - Research Application in Practice
HS-560 - Designing Research in the Health Sciences
HS-600 - Introduction to Principles and Practice of Assistive Technology
HS-605 - Assistive Technology Assessment, Funding, Leadership, and Advocacy
HS-606 - Integrative Health- An Introduction
HS-610 - Assistive Technology for Individuals with Sensory, Communicative, and Cognitive Disabilities
HS-615 - Assistive Technology for Individuals with Physical Disabilities
HS-620 - Special Topics: Using the iPad to Support Children with Disabilities
HS-625 - Living and Doing Through Technology
HS-630 - Assistive Technology for Augmentative and Alternative Communication
HS-631 - Mind-Body in Health & Wellness
HS-640 - Ergonomics, Universal Design and Assistive Technology in the Workplace
HS-645 - Health, Technology and Aging
HS-650 - The Role of Technology for Learning in the 21st Century
HS-651 - Complementary Therapies in Integrative Health
HS-660 - Health/Wellness Coaching
HS-670 - Healthcare Innovation Fundamentals
HS-673 - Healthcare Policy and Regulation
HS-693 - Research and Evidence-Based Practice in Integrative Health
HS-701 - Human Gross Anatomy
HS-702 - Applied Physiology
HS-703 - Foundations of Neuroscience for Physical Therapy Practice
HS-710 - Wellness and Chronic Disease
HS-711 - Patient Care Skills I
HS-712 - Patient Care Skills II
HS-720 - Role of Food & Exercise in Health & Wellness
HS-721 - Cells, Systems and Disease I
HS-722 - Cells, Systems and Disease II
HS-730 - Integrative Approaches to Chronic Illness
HS-731 - Diagnostics and Pharmacology I
HS-740 - Integrative Health Assessment
HS-741 - Professional Engagement I
HS-761 - Foundations of Movement Science
HS-798 - Practicum in Health and Wellness Coaching
HS-799 - Capstone Project in Integrative Health
HUM-101 - Humans and the Environment: Disciplinary Perspectives
HUM-105 - The Ireland Experience
HUM-201 - Special Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies
ITM-201 - Introduction to Information Technology Systems
ITM-301 - Networking Technologies and Telecommunications
ITM-315 - PostgreSQL
ITM-340 - Operating Systems and Architecture
ITM-350 - Information Security and Data Protection
ITM-360 - Google Cloud Computing Foundations
ITM-481 - Information Technology Capstone
LIB-100 - Wikipedia in Academia: Critical Information Literacy
LS-101 - Humans and the Environment: Disciplinary Perspectives
LS-201 - Special Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies
LS-349 - Internship
LS-452 - Capstone Project
MATH-104 - Intermediate Concepts in Algebra
MATH-106 - Quantitative Reasoning
MATH-113 - College Algebra
MATH-115 - Precalculus
MATH-117 - Trigonometry
MATH-120 - Advanced Mathematics for Natural Science
MATH-201 - Mathematics for Elementary Education I
MATH-203 - Mathematics for Elementary Education II
MATH-231 - Statistical Techniques
MATH-252 - Calculus I
MATH-253 - Fundamentals of Calculus I
MATH-254 - Fundamentals of Calculus II
MATH-301 - Calculus III
MATH-302 - Calculus IV
MATH-351 - Modern Geometry
MATH-452 - Problem-Solving for Teachers
MATH-461 - Probability Theory
MATH-462 - Mathematical Statistics
MATH-471 - Introduction to Real Analysis
MATH-490 - Independent Study
MATH-522 - Foundations of Contemporary Mathematics
MATH-569 - Geometry
MBUS-610 - Compensation and Benefits
MBUS-612 - Negotiation
MBUS-614 - Data Visualization and Storytelling
MBUS-615 - Persuasion
MBUS-618 - Integrated Marketing
MBUS-620 - Staffing Organizations
MBUS-623 - Organizational Leadership
MBUS-628 - Purpose-Driven Leadership in the Global Economy
MBUS-630 - Employment Law
MBUS-633 - Intercultural Communication in the Workplace
MBUS-638 - Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace
MBUS-641 - Conflict Management
MBUS-644 - Performance Evaluation and Conflict Resolution
MBUS-646 - Project Planning and Implementation
MBUS-647 - Resource Estimation, Risk Management and Communication
MBUS-648 - Digital Communication in the Workplace
MBUS-649 - Project Implementation and Management
MBUS-650 - Special Topics in Business Communication
MBUS-655 - Organizational Development and Change
MBUS-656 - Nonprofit Management
MBUS-659 - Nonprofit Resource Development Strategies
MBUS-662 - Team Building and Cultural Competency
MBUS-663 - Communicating Essential Financial Information
MBUS-664 - Strategic Planning and Implementation
MBUS-670 - Training and Development
MBUS-671 - Fiscal Management in Healthcare
MBUS-673 - Healthcare Policy and Regulation
MBUS-674 - Healthcare Operations
MBUS-683 - Organizational Behavior in Sports
MBUS-684 - Sports Communication
MBUS-685 - Economics of Sports and Events
MBUS-687 - Revenue Generation in Sports and Events
MBUS-699 - Graduate Business Experiential Learning
MBUS-700 - Applied Capstone in the Workplace
MKT-240 - Principles of Marketing
MKT-300 - Social Media Marketing
MKT-328 - Public Relations
MKT-342 - Marketing Research and Analytics
MKT-344 - Consumer Behavior
MKT-375 - Digital Marketing I
MKT-449 - Integrated Promotional Strategies
MKT-455 - Digital Marketing II
MKT-470 - Special Topics in Marketing
MKT-475 - Strategic Marketing
MSAT-500 - Foundations of Athletic Training
MSAT-510 - Emergency Care of Athletic Injuries
MSAT-512 - Advanced Regional Anatomy and Neuroscience
MSAT-515 - Nutrition, Strength, and Conditioning for Active Populations
MSAT-520 - Upper Extremity and Spinal Injury Pathomechanics, and Assessment
MSAT-525 - Pharmacology in Sports and Rehabilitation
MSAT-530 - Therapeutic Modalities and Evidence-Based Applications
MSAT-540 - Lower Extremity and Spinal Injury Pathomechanics, and Assessment
MSAT-550 - Clinical Education I
MSAT-580 - Ethical and Legal Issues in Healthcare and Sports Seminar
MSAT-600 - Clinical Education II
MSAT-610 - General Medical Conditions with Pharmacology
MSAT-620 - Health Science Research Designs and Statistical Methods
MSAT-625 - Clinical Education III
MSAT-630 - Advanced Functional Rehabilitation and Return-to-Activity Decision-Making
MSAT-640 - Athletic Training Research Outcomes for Special Populations and Emerging Markets
MSAT-650 - Clinical Education IV
MSAT-660 - Psychosocial Aspects of Sports, Aging, and Injury Rehabilitation
MSAT-675 - Clinical Education V
MSAT-680 - Leadership, Administration, and Ethical Concerns in Healthcare
MSAT-685 - Master's Research Project
MSAT-690 - Board of Certification Preparation
MUS-251 - Music Appreciation
NURS-301 - Introduction to Nursing
NURS-305 - Introduction to Nursing Concepts
NURS-315 - Health Assessment
NURS-322 - Research and Evidence Based Practice
NURS-325 - Nursing I
NURS-330 - Nursing II
NURS-345 - Leadership in Healthcare Delivery
NURS-346 - Maternal-Newborn Nursing
NURS-347 - Nursing Care of Children
NURS-362 - Nursing Pharmacology
NURS-385 - Population Health
NURS-420 - Health Promotion Across the Lifespan
NURS-425 - Nursing III
NURS-445 - US Health Care Systems
NURS-455 - Healthcare Policy
NURS-465 - RN to BSN Capstone Experience
NURS-468 - Professional Issues
NURS-470 - Nurse as a Leader
NURS-472 - Population Centered Care
NURS-482 - Dimensions of Mental Health Nursing
NURS-483 - Principles and Application of Nursing Technologies
NURS-495 - Transition to Professional Nursing Practice
NURS-526 - Informatics and the Principles of Evidence Based Practice
NURS-545 - Emergency Readiness and Disaster Preparedness for the DNP Nurse Leader
NURS-579 - Nursing Education Multimedia Applications for Teaching and Learning
NURS-601 - Advanced Practice Essentials
NURS-602 - Advanced Leadership
NURS-608 - Innovative Curriculum Design in Nursing Education
NURS-610 - Trends and Innovation in Teaching & Learning
NURS-614 - Evidence Based Practice II
NURS-621 - Telehealth in Psych-Mental Health
NURS-622 - Psychotherapy Across the Lifespan
NURS-623 - Nursing and Healthcare Organizational Leadership
NURS-625 - Advanced Practice and Health Care Systems
NURS-626 - Advanced Practice Informatics and Telehealth
NURS-628 - Ethical & Business Decision Making in Nursing & Healthcare Leadership
NURS-635 - Introduction to Telehealth
NURS-636 - Interpersonal Communication in Nursing & Healthcare
NURS-638 - Applied Pharmacology Primary Care
NURS-639 - Advanced Pathophysiology
NURS-640 - Advanced Health Assessment
NURS-641 - Child and Adolescent Primary Care Nursing
NURS-642 - Differential Diagnosis & Applications
NURS-649 - Adult Primary Care Nursing
NURS-650 - Assessing Learning for Student Achievement in Nursing Education
NURS-653 - Nursing Leadership Internship
NURS-654 - Psych-Mental Health Clinical Practicum II (Seminar & 210 Clinical Hours)
NURS-656 - Principles of Pharmacology in Advanced Practice Nursing
NURS-661 - Foundations of Nursing Education
NURS-667 - Financial Communication in Nursing & Healthcare
NURS-673 - Nurse Practitioner Clinical Practicum I
NURS-674 - Nurse Practitioner Clinical Practicum II
NURS-676 - Specialty Residency in Nursing Education
NURS-677 - Nursing & Healthcare Policy and Regulation
NURS-678 - Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Professional Identity and Internship (Seminar and 350 Clinical Hours)
NURS-680 - Health Promotion and Reproductive Health
NURS-681 - Nurse Practitioner Professional Identity and Internship
NURS-682 - Advanced Health Assessment for Psych- Mental Health
NURS-685 - PsychoPharmacology
NURS-686 - Psych-Mental Health Diagnosis and Management of Adults and Seniors
NURS-692 - Evidence Based Practice I
NURS-694 - Nursing Leadership Capstone
NURS-695 - Nursing Education Capstone
NURS-696 - Psych-Mental Health Clinical Practicum I (Seminar & 210 Clinical Hours)
NURS-697 - Pediatric Psych-Mental Health Diagnosis and Management of Children and Adolescents
NURS-802 - Advanced Nursing Leadership
NURS-803 - Academic Leadership in Nursing Education
NURS-805 - Quality Management: A Tool for Healthcare Advocacy and Policy Change
NURS-807 - Informatics & Business Intelligence
NURS-810 - Healthcare Finance for the Doctor of Nursing Practice
NURS-818 - Strategic Planning & Collaboration
NURS-825 - Evidence Based Practice & Implementation Science
NURS-826 - DNP Capstone 1
NURS-827 - Healthcare Analytics & Data Management
NURS-828 - DNP Capstone 2
NURS-829 - DNP Capstone 3
NURS-845 - Emergency Readiness and Disaster Preparedness for the DNP Nurse Leader
NURS-890 - Special Topics
OT-501 - Fundamentals of Occupational Therapy
OT-510 - Occupations in Life: A Theoretical & Applied Perspective
OT-515 - Movement in Occupations
OT-520 - Evaluation/Intervention I - Children and Youth
OT-525 - Level I-A Children and Youth Fieldwork
OT-530 - Evaluation/Intervention II - Rehabilitation Practice
OT-535 - Level I-B Rehabilitation and Disability Fieldwork
OT-540 - Evaluation/Intervention III - Mental Health Practice
OT-545 - Level I-C Mental Health Fieldwork
OT-550 - Evaluation/Intervention IV - Work, Industry & Orthopedic Practice
OT-555 - Level I-D Work, Industry & Orthopedic Practice Fieldwork
OT-560 - Evaluation/Intervention V - Productive Aging
OT-565 - Elder Mentor Project
OT-570 - Ethical Decision Making in Occupational Therapy
OT-610 - Advanced Theories in Occupational Therapy
OT-615 - Research for Occupational Therapy Practitioners
OT-620 - Occupation: Measuring Outcomes in Varied Service Delivery Contexts
OT-630 - Fieldwork II-A
OT-640 - Fieldwork II-B
OT-650 - Managing Occupational Therapy Services
OT-670 - Application of Scholarship
OT-680 - Leadership in Occupational Therapy
OT-690 - Specific Topics in Occupational Therapy
OT-700 - Fundamentals of Occupational Therapy: Meeting Society’s Occupational Needs
OT-701 - Application of Research Evidence in Practice
OT-710 - Human Anatomy Correlates for Occupational Therapy
OT-715 - Ethical Decision Making in Occupational Therapy
OT-718 - Neuroscience Foundations for Occupational Therapy Practice
OT-720 - Movement in Occupations
OT-725 - Occupations in Life: A Theoretical and Applied Perspective
OT-730 - Research and Implementing Evidence into Practice
OT-740 - Evaluation, Intervention & Outcomes Work, Industry, and Orthopedic
OT-745 - Work, Industry & Orthopedic Level I Fieldwork
OT-750 - Evaluation, Intervention & Outcomes-Rehabilitation Practice
OT-755 - Rehabilitation and Disability Level I Fieldwork
OT-760 - Evaluation, Intervention, & Outcomes-Mental Health Practice
OT-765 - Psychosocial Level I Fieldwork
OT-770 - Evaluation, Intervention, & Outcomes-Children and Youth
OT-775 - Children and Youth Level I Fieldwork
OT-780 - Diagnosing Occupational Performance and Participation Problems within Varied Service Delivery Contexts
OT-790 - Evaluation, Intervention & Outcomes-Productive Aging
OT-795 - Elder Mentor Project
OT-800 - Evaluation, Intervention & Outcomes Special Topics-Beyond Generalist
OT-805 - Competency Measures and Capstone Preparation
OT-830 - Level II A Fieldwork
OT-840 - Level II B Fieldwork
OT-850 - Management & Delivery of OT services within Complex Healthcare Systems
OT-860 - Occupational Therapy Leadership and Advocacy
OT-870 - Synthesizing Occupational Therapy Research & Practice
OT-900 - Occupational Therapy Capstone
OT-920Z - Occupational Therapy Theory in Practice, Education and Research
OT-930Z - Occupational Therapy Scientific Inquiry and Research
OT-935 - Introduction to Upper Extremity Rehabilitation
OT-940Z - Occupational Therapy Practice: Legal, Ethical and Policy Issues
OT-945 - Occupations and Work Related Injuries of the upper extremity
OT-950Z - Leadership, Advocacy and Advanced Occupational Therapy Practice
OT-955 - Occupations and Complex injuries of the Upper Extremity
OT-960Z - Evidence Based Occupational Therapy Practice Capstone
OT-965Z - Wound care in the treatment of upper Extremity Injuries
PHIL-101 - Logic
PHIL-113 - Philosophy of the Person
PHIL-154 - Ethics
PHIL-160 - Environmental Ethics
PHIL-301 - Political Philosophy
PHIL-306 - Special Topics in Philosophy
PHIL-490 - Independent Study
PHSC-101 - Fundamentals of Physical Science
PHSC-102 - Fundamentals of Earth Science
PHSC-109 - Weather and Climate
PHYS-204 - Physics for the Rehabilitation Sciences
PHYS-311 - Classical Physics I
PHYS-312 - Classical Physics II
PHYS-321 - Classical Physics I Lab
PHYS-322 - Classical Physics II Lab
PM-300 - Introduction to Project Management
PM-350 - Project Planning
POLS-201 - Special Topics in Political Science
POLS-223 - American Federal Government
PSY-103 - Psychological Systems
PSY-202 - Life Span Development
PSY-204 - Experimental Procedures
PSY-303 - Child and Adolescent Development
PSY-305 - General Psychology for the Health Sciences
PSY-320 - Psychology of Creativity
PSY-321 - Environmental Psychology
PSY-325 - Introduction to Evolutionary Psychology
PSY-330 - Human Sexuality
PSY-331 - Sleep and Dreaming
PSY-332 - The Psychology of Violence
PSY-333 - Mindfulness-Based Practices: Applications for Mental and Physical Health Care Providers and Educators
PSY-335 - Child Psychopathology
PSY-337 - The Psychology of Gender
PSY-350 - The Psychology of Religion
PSY-355 - Adult Development
PSY-359 - The Psychology of Learning and Cognition
PSY-360 - Special Topics in Psychology
PSY-375 - Careers in Psychology
PSY-380 - Community Psychology
PSY-395 - Cross-Cultural Psychology
PSY-405 - Industrial and Organizational Psychology
PSY-420 - Applied Behavior Analysis
PSY-421 - Addiction Screening, Assessment, and Treatment Planning
PSY-422 - Motivational Interviewing for Addiction Treatment
PSY-423 - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Addiction Treatment
PSY-424 - Twelve-Step Facilitation and Mutual-Help Groups in Addiction Treatment
PSY-430 - Exploring Issues in Forensic Psychology
PSY-450 - Contemporary Clinical Psychology
PSY-457 - Theories of Personality
PSY-458 - Abnormal Psychology
PSY-464 - History and Systems of Psychology
PSY-465 - Social Psychology
PSY-471 - Fundamentals of Counseling
PSY-473 - Undergraduate Practicum
PSY-480 - Senior Capstone in Psychology
PSY-501 - Cognitive and Affective Bases of Behavior
PSY-506 - History and Systems
PSY-508 - Biological Basis of Behavior
PSY-509 - Social Basis of Behavior
PSY-522 - Restorative Practice Advanced Topics
PSY-555 - Ethics in Psychology
PSY-571 - Introduction to Intervention
PSY-575 - Foundations of Psychological Assessment
PSY-590 - Professional Development Seminar
PSY-600 - Introduction to Neuropsychology
PSY-601 - Motivational Interviewing for Addiction Treatment
PSY-602 - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Addiction Treatment
PSY-603 - Twelve-Step Facilitation and Mutual-Help Groups in Addiction Treatment
PSY-604 - Addiction Screening, Assessment, and Treatment Planning
PSY-607 - Integrated Primary Care
PSY-608 - Applied Developmental Psychology
PSY-609 - Research Methods and Design
PSY-610 - Applied Statistics
PSY-611 - Program Evaluation and Consultation
PSY-612 - Special Topics
PSY-621 - Multicultural Issues and Competencies in Psychology
PSY-632 - Developmental Disabilities
PSY-640 - Introduction to and Ethical Considerations in Forensic Psychology
PSY-641 - Forensic Psychology Assessments & Interventions in Family and Juvenile Courts
PSY-644 - Advanced Relationship Victimology and Emotional Injury
PSY-645 - Forensic Psychology Assessments and Interventions in Criminal Courts
PSY-649 - Advanced Correctional and Police (1st Responder) Psychology
PSY-650 - Forensic Psychology Master’s Capstone
PSY-651 - Cognitive and Intellectual Assessment
PSY-652 - Assessment of Personality, Behavior, and Emotional Functioning
PSY-653 - Cognitive-Behavioral Systems of Psychotherapy
PSY-655 - Introduction to Assessment Practicum
PSY-656 - Introduction to Psychotherapy Practicum
PSY-657 - Group Psychotherapy
PSY-658 - Psychopathology
PSY-660 - Case Management with Substance Abusers
PSY-661 - Clinical Supervision of Substance Misuse Treatment
PSY-662 - Crisis Intervention
PSY-663 - Consultation and Record Keeping
PSY-680 - Clinical Practicum A: Foundations of Psychotherapy and Assessment
PSY-681 - Clinical Practicum A: Psychotherapy and Assessment
PSY-702 - Family Therapy: Theory and Interventions
PSY-718 - Child Psychopathology
PSY-719 - Treatment of Children and Adolescents
PSY-720 - Adult Psychopathology and Psychotherapy: Clinical Disorder
PSY-721 - The Psychology of Trauma
PSY-730 - Introduction to and Ethical Considerations in Forensic Psychology
PSY-740 - Forensic Assessments & Interventions in Family and Juvenile Courts
PSY-741 - Advanced Relationship Victimology and Emotional Injury
PSY-750 - Introduction to Neuropsychology
PSY-751 - Neuropsychological Assessment
PSY-752 - Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroanatomy
PSY-753 - Advanced Clinical Neuropsychology: Disease and Disorder
PSY-765 - Relational Systems of Psychotherapy
PSY-770 - Teaching of Psychology
PSY-781 - Clinical Practicum B: Intermediate clinical skills
PSY-803 - Organizational Consultation
PSY-805 - Gerontology
PSY-806 - Advanced Interventions: Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Other Third Wave Approaches
PSY-807 - Dementia Presentations and Capacity Evaluation
PSY-808 - The Psychology of Death and Dying and Other Late-Life Issues
PSY-810 - Chemical and Psychological Addictions
PSY-811 - Psychopharmacology
PSY-821 - Clinical Applications of Multicultural Psychology
PSY-830 - Forensic Assessments and Interventions in Criminal Courts
PSY-831 - Advanced Correctional and Police (1st Responder) Psychology
PSY-840 - Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine
PSY-845 - Advanced Clinical Health Psychology
PSY-846 - Pediatric Psychology
PSY-850 - Forensic Professional Seminar
PSY-860 - Introduction to the Predoctoral Internship
PSY-861 - Predoctoral Internship Seminar
PSY-870 - Interprofessional Seminar
PSY-881 - Clinical Practicum C: Advanced clinical skills and supervision
PSY-888 - Couples Therapy
PSY-890 - Dissertation Seminar
PSY-891 - Dissertation Seminar
PSY-892 - Doctoral Internship
PSY-893 - Dissertation Research
PSY-894 - Dissertation Research
RJ-101 - Introduction to Restorative Justice
RJ-302 - Community Building and Restorative Justices
RJ-303 - Restorative Mediation
RJ-304 - Restorative Justice Advanced Topics
RJ-305 - Restorative Justice Internship
RJ-306 - Restorative Justice and School Settings
RJ-307 - Restorative Communication in Justice Settings
RJ-308 - Health Care and Restorative Justice
RJ-309 - Restorative Justice Facilitation and Skill Building Intensive
RS-101 - Introduction to Religion
RS-103 - The Old Testament
RS-109 - The Christian Tradition
RS-203 - Jesus and the Gospels
RS-210 - Religion in America
RS-217 - World Religions I
RS-218 - African American Religion
RS-219 - World Religions II
RS-236 - Women and Religion
RS-301 - Special Topics
RS-350 - Psychology of Religion
RS-363 - Religion and Social Justice
RS-366 - Sickness, Suffering, and Death
RS-370 - Religion, Art, and Visual Culture
RS-375 - Irish Religion and Culture
RS-490 - Independent Study
SCI-625 - Natural Science in the Elementary
SGC-600 - Counselor Preparation
SGC-610 - School Counselor Ethics and Leadership
SGC-620 - Social and Legal Issues in School Counseling
SGC-630 - Research Methods/Tests and Measurements
SGC-640 - Technology for School Counselors
SGC-650 - Counseling Theories and Multicultural Settings
SGC-660 - Community Resources and School Collaboration
SGC-670 - Group Counseling and Crisis Intervention
SGC-680 - Practicum I
SGC-681 - Practicum II
SGC-690 - Program Development
SGC-691 - Career Theory, Counseling, and Assessment
SGC-692 - Advanced Program Development and Coordination
SOC-101 - Introduction to Sociology
SOC-200 - Urban Sociology
SOC-300 - Special Topics in Sociology
SOC-301 - Community Sociology
SOC-360 - Sociology of Aging
SOC-490 - Independent Study
SPAN-101 - Beginning Spanish I
SPAN-102 - Beginning Spanish II
SPAN-103 - Spanish for Healthcare Workers
SPM-200 - Introduction to Esports
SPM-250 - Sports, Ethics, and Society
SPM-300 - Sports Event Management
SPM-400 - Sports Facility Planning and Management
SPM-450 - Sports and the Law
SPM-491 - Internship
SS-101 - Humans and the Environment: Disciplinary Perspectives
SS-105 - The Ireland Experience
SS-201 - Special Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies
SS-305 - Political and Economic Power
SS-524 - Social Science in the Elementary School
SU-100 - Successful Student Strategies
SU-101 - Aptitudes and Attitudes
SU-200 - Design Your Life: Bridging the GAP between college and career
SW-204 - Introduction to Social (Justice) Work: Supporting Growth and Change in Any Setting
SW-206 - Grassroots History of U.S. Social Welfare: An Alternative Story of Oppression, Resistance, and Social Change
SW-208 - Cornerstone
SW-230 - Interdisciplinary Social Change
SW-240 - Compassionate Social Justice
SW-271 - Contemporary Issues
SW-280 - Child Maltreatment: Prevention, Investigation, and Intervention
SW-310 - Oppression and Privilege
SW-330 - Right, Wrong and It Depends: Applied Ethics for Helping Professionals
SW-341 - Microskills for Professional Helpers: Social Work Practice with Individuals
SW-346 - Womb to Tomb: Exploring the Human Experience from Birth to Death
SW-347 - It Takes a Village: Understanding the Human Journey within Families and Communities
SW-350 - Research for Social Work
SW-357 - Child Abuse and Neglect
SW-359 - Child Welfare Skills and Interventions
SW-371 - Special Topics
SW-385 - Social Justice Perspectives on HIV and AIDS
SW-400 - Spirituality and Addiction
SW-405 - Psychopharmacology
SW-408 - Capstone
SW-410 - Trauma and Addiction
SW-420 - Addictions in Society
SW-421 - Addiction Screening, Assessment, and Treatment Planning
SW-422 - Motivational Interviewing for Addiction Treatment
SW-423 - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Addiction Treatment
SW-424 - Twelve-Step Facilitation and Mutual-Help Groups in Addiction Treatment
SW-425 - Case Management with Substance Abusers
SW-426 - Clinical Supervision of Substance Misuse Treatment
SW-427 - Crisis Intervention
SW-428 - Consultation and Record Keeping
SW-430 - Co-occurring Disorders in Addiction
SW-435 - Counseling and Addictions
SW-441 - Social Work Intervention II
SW-451 - Social Work Intervention III
SW-455 - Social Welfare Policy
SW-456 - Applied Research
SW-471 - Practicum I
SW-472 - Integrating Seminar I
SW-476 - Practicum II
SW-477 - Integrating Seminar II
SW-500 - Spirituality and Addiction
SW-501 - Legal Issues in Social Work Practice
SW-502 - Social Work with the Aging
SW-503 - Human Sexuality and Social Work Practice
SW-504 - Social Work in a Global Community
SW-535 - Counseling and Addictions
SW-540 - Systems in Addiction
SW-560 - Addiction in Context
SW-571 - Current Issues in Social Work Practice
SW-602 - Social Justice and Social Work Practice
SW-603 - Critical Thinking and Reflective Practice
SW-605 - Exit Colloquium Seminar
SW-609 - Direct Clinical Practice Skills
SW-610 - Direct Clinical Practice: Families, Groups & Organizations
SW-611 - Social Work Practice III: Leadership
SW-612 - Human Dynamics an Introduction to the Profession
SW-613 - Human Dynamics in the Social Context II
SW-614 - Research I: Introduction to Research Methods
SW-615 - Social Welfare Services and Policy
SW-616 - Addictions in Society
SW-620 - Practicum I
SW-621 - Field Seminar I
SW-622 - Practicum II
SW-623 - Field Seminar II
SW-624 - Practicum III
SW-625 - Field Seminar III
SW-626 - Practicum IV
SW-627 - Field Seminar IV
SW-630 - Clinical Assessment & Diagnosis
SW-631 - Clinical Practice Modalities and Theories
SW-632 - Policy Analysis
SW-633 - Advanced Research for Social Work Practice
SW-634 - Social Work Integrative Practice III: Leadership
SW-635 - Clinical SW Practice with Individuals, Groups, and Families
SW-636 - Elective
SW-637 - Social Work Practice and Communities of Faith
SW-638 - Health-Related Social Work
SW-639 - Protection and Empowerment of Children and Families
SW-641 - Community Organizing
SW-645 - Applied Critical Thinking and Writing for Social Work Practice
SW-650 - Addiction Screening, Assessment, and Treatment Planning
SW-651 - Motivational Interviewing for Addiction Treatment
SW-652 - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Addiction Treatment
SW-653 - Twelve-Step Facilitation and Mutual-Help Groups in Addiction Treatment
SW-654 - Case Management with Substance Abusers
SW-655 - Clinical Supervision of Substance Misuse Treatment
SW-656 - Crisis Intervention
SW-657 - Consultation and Record Keeping
SW-670 - Contemporary Social Justice in Social Work Practice
SW-700 - Writing for Publication
SW-701 - Positionality and Epistemology
SW-702 - Theories of Social Change
SW-703 - Research for Advanced Social Work Practice I
SW-704 - Intersectionality and Social Justice
SW-705 - Research for Advanced Social Work Practice II
SW-706 - Trauma Informed Interventions and Healing Practices
SW-707 - Trauma Informed Leadership and Administration
SW-708 - Teaching Skills for the Social Work Classroom
SW-709 - Community Practice and Policy Advocacy
SW-710 - Psychopathology
SW-711 - Psychopharmacology
SW-712 - Clinical Research and Single Systems
SW-713 - Advanced Clinical Practice I
SW-714 - Advanced Clinical Practice II
SW-715 - Decolonizing Practices for Community Organizations
SW-716 - Program Evaluation and Assessment
SW-717 - Grants and Financial Management
SW-718 - Leadership, Administration, and Supervision
SW-719 - Strategic Planning for Social Change
SW-720 - Practicum
SW-799 - Special Topics
SW-800 - Capstone I
SW-801 - Capstone II
SW-802 - Scholarly Writing, Positionality, and Epistemology
SW-803 - Innovative Practices for Justice and Social Change
SW-804 - Advanced Macro Practices
SW-805 - Advanced Mezzo Practices
SW-806 - Advanced Micro Practices
SW-807 - Grants and Financial Management
SW-808 - Teaching in Social Work
SW-809 - DSW Capstone I
SW-810 - Research for Advanced Social Work Practice
SW-811 - DSW Capstone II
SW-899 - Focused Capstone Elective
TA-110 - Theatre Appreciation
TA-115 - Theatre Arts Workshop
TA-212 - Voice and Diction
USM-090 - University Studies Math
USR-092 - University Studies Reading
USW-091 - University Studies Writing
WGST-201 - Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies
WGST-300 - Special Topics in Women’s and Gender Studies