Ethical and Professional Standards/Appeal Rights of Students | Spalding University Catalog

Ethical and Professional Standards/Appeal Rights of Students

For the School of Professional Psychology students are expected to follow the general university polices regarding academic and professional integrity. The School uses the general university policies regarding violations of student responsibilities and follows the general university procedures and sanctions for violations of students' responsibility regarding academic and professional integrity. In addition the students admitted to the School of Professional Psychology sign the following Statement of Academic Honesty and Professional Conduct.

Graduate students are expected to exhibit ethical and professional conduct while fulfilling any of their graduate program requirements (i.e., in their practicum, internship, research, or assistantship work) or performing psychological services in any setting. Exhibiting behaviors considered inappropriate, dishonest, and/or unprofessional according to standards set in and for the field of psychology in any life situation may be cause for dismissal from a program.

The appeals process to be followed in the School of Professional Psychology should a student perceive that she or he has a legitimate reason to appeal the application of one of the sanctions imposed for violations of student responsibilities is as follows:

  1. The student discusses the situation with the relevant faculty member involved and seeks a solution at that level.
  2. If an impasse is reached, the student prepares a written statement of the issue. The faculty member documents a response, and both parties sign a statement that they have met and discussed the problem, but that no solution could be reached.
  3. The document and all documentation related to the incident are forwarded to the Graduate Coordinating Committee. The Graduate Coordinating Committee will review the material, may interview both parties, and will make a recommendation to the Chair of the School of Professional Psychology.
  4. The Chair of the School of Professional Psychology who will make the final decision regarding the outcome of the appeals.

It is the policy of the School of Professional Psychology that education in ethical and professional standards be provided throughout the Psy.D. curriculum. In some instances, course descriptions make reference to these considerations, but virtually each course incorporates a treatment of the ethical aspects of its particular content.